Reconstruction and Jim Crow: What Would You Do?
(Decision-Making and Critical Thinking Curricula)
Students tackle fascinating historical questions that put them in the shoes of a range of people from the past, from the rich and famous to ordinary citizens. Each lesson can be done either as an in-depth activity requiring up to two full class periods, or as a “quick motivator” requiring only 20–30 minutes. Detailed teacher pages give step-by-step instructions, list key vocabulary terms, offer troubleshooting tips, present ideas for post-activity discussions, and furnish lists of related sources. Reproducible student handouts clearly lay out the decision-making scenarios, provide "outcomes," and present related primary source readings and/or images with analysis questions. Decision-Making Book available for purchase on Social Studies School Service. Critical Thinking book available from Critical Thinking Co. Free samples available below!
Free Lessons
Sample Lesson: Policies Toward African Americans: Decision Making in History
Lesson List: Reconstruction: Critical Thinking in History
LESSON 6: Skill: EVALUATE INTERPRETATIONS Historical Topic: How Corrupt Were Reconstruction Governments?
LESSON 7: Skill: EVALUATE INTERPRETATIONS Historical Topic: Was Reconstruction a Tragic Era?
LESSON 8: Skill: EVALUATE EVIDENCE Historical Topic: Visual Evidence on Reconstruction
LESSON 9: Skill: ANALYZE EVIDENCE Historical Topic: Why Was the Fourteenth Amendment Passed?
Lesson List: Civil War / Reconstruction: Decision Making in History
LESSON 1 – African-Americans in the Civil War: Will you recruit African-Americans into the Union army? SAMPLE LESSON
LESSON 2 – Northern Civil War Strategy: What will your war strategy be?
LESSON 3 – Northern Civil War Policies at Home: How will you finance the war? What will your policies be on transcontinental railroad, tariff, public land, and national bank?
LESSON 4 – Freedmen: What will you do as a freedman in 1865 now that you are free?
LESSON 5 – Reconstruction Policies: What reconstruction policies will you adopt as President Johnson? As Congress?
LESSON 6 – 14th and 15th Amendments: How will you protect the civil rights of freedmen?
LESSON 7 – Jim Crow Era: What position will you take as a southern white person with regard to freedmen in the 1870s?
Free Critical Thinking Lesson: Reconstruction + Night Riders Terrorism (Evaluating evidence)
Published Materials
Free Lesson! Conspiracy Theories (1860-1875)