Kevin O’Reilly
taught high school history for 39 years, 35 of which were in the Massachusetts public school system. He coached students to win more than 20 national awards at National History Day. His passion for teaching and classroom acumen have been recognized in numerous awards, including NCSS/Time Magazine National Teacher of the Year, Richard Farrell National Teacher of the Year, NASDAQ/NCEE National Grand Prize for Economic Education, NCHE Gagnon Prize, American Historical Association Beveridge Teaching Prize, History Videotape Bronze Apple Award, and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship on the Industrial Revolution. Kevin has published 29 books on critical thinking and decision-making in history. He has conducted over 100 workshops on critical thinking and decision-making, including a presentation on his Vietnam simulation at the Army War College. He is currently writing a 16-volume series on critical thinking in U.S. History, focusing on skills crucial to good citizenship. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in History from SUNY, Oswego and Master of Arts in History from Northern Illinois University. Kevin enjoys riding his bike, watching movies with his wife and visiting his two sons and four grandchildren.