Causes of the American Revolution (Decision-Making and Critical-Thinking Curriculum)

Students tackle fascinating historical questions that put them in the shoes of a range of people from the past, from the rich and famous to ordinary citizens. Each lesson can be done either as an in-depth activity requiring up to two full class periods, or as a “quick motivator” requiring only 20–30 minutes. Detailed teacher pages give step-by-step instructions, list key vocabulary terms, offer troubleshooting tips, present ideas for post-activity discussions, and furnish lists of related sources. Reproducible student handouts clearly lay out the decision-making scenarios, provide "outcomes," and present related primary source readings and/or images with analysis questions. Decision-Making Book available for purchase on Social Studies School Service. Critical Thinking book forthcoming on Social Studies School Service. Free samples available below!


Free Lessons

Lesson List: Decision Making in History: Revolution

  • LESSON 1 – Treaty of Paris: Should the British take Canada or Guadeloupe from the French?

  • LESSON 2 – Stamp Act: Will you, as a member of Parliament, support the Stamp Act?

  • LESSON 3 – Tea Act: Will you, as a member of Parliament, support the Tea Act?

  • LESSON 4 – Declaration of Independence: How will you, as a colonial leader, react to the Intolerable Acts? What grievances will you include in the Declaration of Independence?

  • LESSON 5 – Articles of Confederation: What powers will you give the national government?

  • LESSON 6 – Northwest Ordinance: What policies will you support on territory in the West?

  • LESSON 7 – Constitution- powers: Which powers will you include in the Constitution of 1787?

Sample Lesson: American Revolution

Free Lesson! Conspiracy Theories (1692-1789)

Lesson List: Critical Thinking in History: Causes of the American Revolution

Causes of the American Revolution: Annotated Bibliography

Causes of the American Revolution: Supplementary Materials

Free Lesson: French and Indian War as a

Cause of the American Revolution

Free Lesson Sample: Repeal of Stamp Act

In this lesson, students evaluate cause-and-effect thinking in regards to what caused the Stamp Act to be repealed.

(Free Supplementary Material to the Critcal Thinking Book Below)

Diagrams: Various Causes of the War

Diagrams: Tea Act as a Cause of the War

Notes on Historiography

Published Sources

Video: French and Indian War as Cause, Debated