Workshops can be adapted to the objectives of the teachers, but the focus would be on integrating critical thinking/decision making into the history curriculum. The normal presentation is for Kevin to demonstrate various critical thinking strategies in history in which teachers would role play as students dealing with the critical thinking or decision-making problems. Each interactive activity would be followed by a discussion of the pedagogy involved and how teachers could adapt the activity to their own classes.



$300 – Two-hour remote workshop over Zoom


$400 + travel expenses – Two-hour in-person workshop


$600 + travel expenses – Half-day in-person visit: Workshop and discussion OR two-hour workshop with teachers, a demonstration lesson with students in a regular middle school or high school history class, and a debrief of the class and workshop


$1000 + travel expenses – Full-day in-person visit: Workshop and discussion OR two-hour workshop with teachers, a demonstration lesson with students in a regular middle school or high school history class, optional observation of teachers’ classes, and a debrief of the day